5 Tips for Troubleshooting Thermostats


5 Tips for Troubleshooting Thermostats Are you wondering what exactly is wrong with your thermostat?

Check out these five tips that are guaranteed to help with troubleshooting thermostats.

During the bitter winter months, 42% of your energy usage at home represents your heating system. For both cost and comfort, you want your HVAC to work the way it should. For HVAC systems to do this, thermostats must also work properly.

Just like an HVAC unit requires maintenance, thermostat maintenance is equally important. Still, with care, you can run into thermostat problems.


When that happens, here are five important tips to help you troubleshoot.


1. Clean Mechanical Thermostat

Dust could settle on your thermostat and cause it to malfunction. That is why it is good thermostat maintenance to clean a mechanical thermostat.

They have a small lever that moves the temperature. You can use a small brush or cloth to clean it and avoid thermostat trouble from the inside. Further, remove the cover and completely clean the inside. 


2. Ensure Thermostat Is on the Correct Setting

For thermostat problems, this troubleshooting tip may seem obvious, but it is important nonetheless. That is because it can be the most common for thermostat trouble, especially when you have multiple people living in a home.

One person might feel hot or cold and choose to change the thermostat setting. You want to check the setting, that in the summer it is on cool, and in the winter, you set it to hot.

If you worry the air conditioner is running all the time, you could switch the setting from On to Auto. In the Auto setting, the blower will only blow the air out from the vents.


3. Five Degrees Buffer Up or Down

In the summer, you could try setting the thermostat five degrees higher than usual and, in the winter, five degrees lower. Don't worry, your level of comfort will remain the same. It puts less stress on your HVAC unit.

When you change the settings on your thermostat, you should hear a clicking sound. After that, wait. Then, check to see if it will suck in air or register blow air.


4. Check Wire Connections

When looking for thermostat solutions, remove the cover. Then, check the wire connections. Look at the wires, ensuring that they are all connected to their mounting screw firmly.

If you find the connections are firm, but you still experience thermostat problems, it is likely time to call a professional to help you.


5. For Electronic Thermostats, Check the Batteries

With digital thermostats, it could be a matter of changing the batteries. Often, this will take care of thermostat trouble. You should change the batteries annually.


For Thermostats in Trouble, HVAC Souq Has Answers

All the leading brands of air conditioning products in one place! Welcome to HVAC Souq, where you can compare and select from multiple brands. Check out thermostats that will keep you cool and fit your budget.

Located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, HVAC Souq helps the Gulf Cooperation Council residents find the reliable supplies they need for everything related to HVAC units.

Click here to contact HVAC Souq for more details, right now!

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